This is a good program. There are so many around, but these guys seem to have got it right. Why not give it a trial.

LifeExtension has a true passion and dedication has always been driven by the singular goal of optimizing your health so you can live a long, happy life.

It all started 40 years ago with something missing: meticulous research and a rigorous, science-based approach to developing premium, clinically studied formulations. When we put supplements into our bodies, we should be confident that they’ll provide the nutritional benefits promised.

Natural Health

We here at Tune in Channel have a passion for natural medicine and healthy living. There are many videos about ways to keep our bodys healthy the natural way.

Also on this page there is a link to Rebecca Lang who is a Naturapath in Queensland, Australia. She has many years of clinical experience with working with thousands of people to improve their health and well-being.

Rebecca is the owner of Bargara Beach Holistic Health Centre and you can follow the link at the bottom of the page to visit her website.


Plants and their uses

We know that nature has an abundance of plants that are the foundation of modern medicine. We hope to introduce some to you to broaden your knowledge on what is available freely to us from our own back yards or your future garden. Now, more than ever, is the time to start!

A friend of mine from Melbourne Australia has presented two videos for you to educate you about the dangers of tree clearing in our forests and the consequences that come from those actions.

Healthy Food

Hipocrates said long ago, “food can be our medicine”. Our Naturopath/Nutritionist, Rebecca Lang, is the owner of Of The earth Juice Bar and Health Shop. She teaches us how healthy food can still taste amazing.

Rebecca says to use food as your medicine and learn about correct absorption of minerals, nutrients and enzymes.

View the photos of some of Rebecca’s health and food options here, on her ‘Healthy Food’ page, or follow the link to her website.